VOX POPULI: Message for this year’s rookie workers: You are an empty glass

Time:2024-06-03 19:17:49 Source:Worldly Workshop news portal

Around this time every year, I look forward to Suntory Holdings Ltd.’s newspaper ad.

I saw it in the April 1 edition of The Asahi Shimbun, albeit only in certain areas.

Addressed to young people who started working this spring, the ad copy read, “Right now, you are just an empty glass.”

The message must have meant: “Since all the glasses are the same size now, your school records don’t mean much anymore. The important thing is to understand the ‘core’ of your job, which is that making money is never your only goal.”

It was written by author Shizuka Ijuin, who died in November at age 73. And this was actually the very first ad copy he wrote for Suntory, back in 2000.

The words reached the depth of my heart and lingered like fine, mature whisky.

But Ijuin was hardly a paragon of virtue during his life. There are stories galore of his misbehavior, such as gambling with money borrowed from publishers and even getting his editors to deliver the cash to his place.

Roguery and naivete existed in him side by side and that made his charm irresistible. His words were straightforward yet deeply nuanced, which must have reflected his checkered lifestyle.

In life, there are things we can learn even when we are utterly inefficient.

I recall when I started working 30 years ago. I was overworked, made mistakes that were so terrible they caused the blood to drain from my face and I just resented everything.

Back then, I still believed that experience would make writing my stories easy.

I was wrong. Things haven’t changed much since then and I still struggle.

Singer-songwriter Mariya Takeuchi once noted, “The more I look at myself objectively as a professional, the deeper my predicament gets because of my inability to reach the standard I’ve set for myself.”

Newcomers and veterans alike are all in the process of development. You just need to take the first step.

And if you feel a headwind on your cheeks, that’s proof that you are making progress.

--The Asahi Shimbun, April 2

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Vox Populi, Vox Dei is a popular daily column that takes up a wide range of topics, including culture, arts and social trends and developments. Written by veteran Asahi Shimbun writers, the column provides useful perspectives on and insights into contemporary Japan and its culture.

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